RE:NumbersBig O put out a challenge on's my take. If I've missed something, NVM, its all specutlation until the big buy-out.
1) Since 3dgo has been alive, average quarterly revnenue per registered user is $1.67 (seems low to me but that's what financcials are saying). On yearly basis = $6.68. Lets say content is getting better so more rentals per user, so increase to $8.00 per user.
2) At current number of registersted user (29K), then annual rental is $232,000.
3) At 50k users, annual rental is $400k.
4) At 100K users, annual rental is $800k.
5) Royalties/patnet renveues are close to $300 k (last fiscal)
6) Therefore, maybe $1.21M once SIO gets to 100K users (needs samsung expansion).
7) Costs...I think hedge says, that SIO is burning $155/mth, so $1.86M/year...but with increased marketing, lets round to $2 M. Past fiscals, costs were over $3M/year, but SIO is reducign costs....not sure how this is coming along. get to profit based on my numbers above, need over 200k registed users. SIO probably have done the numbers, but this growth I'm sure can only come by expanding the list of countires, and growing the content. I think this is thier strategy....just need to execute.