RE:New SA article on PTA and Value Digger's Comment
The writer has addressed all points except one; fat management paychecks! The writer criticizes that analysts do not want think, even MBAs. The writer does not think as well While addressing the significant oil price drop, and "operator problems not in their control", wasn't it their decision to farm out this production? they just did not bother to make a risk analysis, hence failed in assessing and managing the risks of their decision. For that , they should cut their compensation and share the pain. Instead they grant themselves cheap options to replace their expired "unearned" options and then some more. Where is the logic in this? Do you and the writer think some of us are stupid? I admit I was stupid in buying the shares; hopefully smart enough to sell them tomorrow and repurchase at a lower price as the writer suggests. If now all holders are thinking of doing same, the selling will drive down the price for the writer and perdi to pick up