Picture of Bedrocan's Dried Bud/Flower & Granulated FlosHey everyone check this out: Dried bud/flower and Granulated Flos sold by Bedrocan. Avalable in the Bedropuur and Bedica strains currently. (They have had this for a while, I have ordered the Gran Flos variation several times in the past.)
Granulated Flos is basically pre-ground and is a light fluffy type ground. Great for making edibles since it is pre-ground and ready to be decarbed before you add the oil or butter to make cannabutter or cannaoil. (Cannabis oil, loose leaf, fresh flower is now legal for LPs to sell as of July 8th 2015 in addition to the dried buds pictured.)
In my experience Bedrocan has little to no stems and leaves in their strains. So the per gram sale of the dried flower or Gran Flos is bang on. Enjoy.