repost of the crow to luke... best post here for years!!Luke...shitty is new to you? ROTFL. You've been familiar with shitty for as far back as I can remember. You've been covered in it, been rolling in it and been spouting it for well over a decade. The word on the street is that you've got Shitty "R" Me trademarked and copyrighted (and likely tattooed on your rear end).
As to "money being siphoned off. Is that legal?"...erm no. That's why a lawsuit was filed...and a settlement was reached.
As Chris Parry postscripted, "
Postscript: People connected with previous management will want to be careful about posting on the Cumo Bullboard going forward. Healthy debate is encouraged. Slander and excessive bashing will lead to accounts being banned and, in certain circumstances, names being named. "
As a SH member responded, "Great story (and too bad you had to leave out some of the parts). Love your postscript. You can keep the McClays out of the company, but you can't keep the McClays off of the bullboards."
Come on, Chris. Name them names!!!!