RE:gizmodoI was on stocktwits before coming on here and someone had posted the link to the same article you posted. Did you have a chance to read the replies to the article? If you have not read them, actually very interesting as a matter of fact all the recent articles people are leaving the same /similar comments they love the phone, love the hub, and most of them really prefer a keyboard to a virtual keyboard, all the negative comments are always about the apps!! People love Google play many mentioned how they had bought a passport only to return it because of the lack of apps, even though they raved about the actual phone and build quality, they even like the BB10 OS, however they always come back to the lack of apps!! The bird man mentions how he thinks running android on BB phones is a bad idea, I would have to agree, however we definitely need Google play store on the BB 10 OS. Btw what ever happened to your lovely secretary globalls!! Posted with my awesome BlackBerry Passport.