grow up already bullboard babies!
It seems there’s an incessant need here to bash quakes99 – for what amounts to incredibly pathetic & childish reasons. EVERY poster is entitled to his or her opinion. NOBODY posting here has all the right answers, and that INCLUDES the almighty Pamp! Go figure.
So, after months & years of this, some still have to be judgmental (keyword mental)???
To quote Alberta’s ex-Premier Jim Prentice: “look in the mirror”. The reasons for bash typing is staring right back at you! It's YOU. YOU are the problem.
I know, I know, only a humongous buyout pacifier will plug the biggest holes here, as well as those visiting from NXE, etc.
Well whatever! It’s time to grow the F up now bullboard babies. S*it or get off the FCU bullboard pot ‘cause you’re just stinking up the joint.
Buh bye bashing douches? Probably not due to fecal logjams between the ears…
Keep up the great posts quakes & ignore the hatefest. Many honest posters & readers appreciate all your hard work.