RE:heavy selling pressure There was a link to a mainstream news recent new article, posted on the Berkshire Fairfax message board. The showed a story about coal and the government of a province may Alberta where Alitus has coal royalties. The government there does not like coal. Even worse the story had the pictures of the Prime Honcho of the province and the Environmental minister, both women.
The looks on the faces of those women was absolutel grim. Scary. For example, if you think Michelle Obama is something you would not want mad at you, these govermental woman look like pitbulls and make MIchelle Obama look as sweet as a poodle.
The good part of this is that the royalties will continue for several years at least even in a worse case scenario. And Altius has so much going for it, Not to mention that carbon capture technology and coal gasification altho far from sure are certainly something to consider. That article made the new coal royalty deal kind of not too impressive or meaningful. That is for the short term of what the stock will do and for the mid term on the coal royalites. Altius has a lot of plussses going for it, and the cash flow in addtion to paying down debt and dividends, can offer the capital to jump on great opportunities in todays environment.
Canada Moose