Energy and technology will change our world
If I asked 100 people in a room, what a Kilowatt hour is, not a single person would have an answer or know to describe it. If I told them, taking an old incandescent 100W light bulb, and have it on for 10 hours, you have just used 1 kwh, they now get it. Yet every engineer and every person I have ever talked to had no idea. If you have plasma TV, get a golf ball and club and smash it right away. Jeff Rueben wrote about it in his book, how it would ruin North America, they use so much power. I have news ... they no longer make plasm TV's. ...... we are 2 adults in a 1500sq ft home ..... in 2011 our electricity bill was $1069. In 2014 our bill was $720. Last month our electricity bill was $43.83 and we used 258 kwh, our lowest ever. Lots of people talk about climate change, few do anything but talk. If you watched the video from opower .... which is fantastic (wish I could speak like that), I think they have an operation in Nova Scotia, you can see it on their website. Energy, and energy management are changing our world quickly. Just energy will likely not even resemble its current self in 5 years, if does it will be gone, like the post office. The days of paying whatever the utility charges you every month .... are over. Hey we have over 300 dollars in our pockets every year, and have had for years, vs all of our neighbors, but many people are getting on board. LED bulbs are now down to 5 dollars each at Costco, and will last 25 years. I have no idea what JE is going to become ..... but it could be really great.