In all liklyhood ff asap completes pfs nextUnless they just have to move on another deal. Sure the pfs on hope brook that is half done already has to be next. Just anouncing that will bost the sp and keep it steady. Toll its complete. Sometime i leave sp mist just because im tired etc. lolol. Any way toll isnt funny. Lolol. Anyway again lollo. And of coarse om goong to trll you i lnow the pfs will be very good. I losty cuser sp om hitting two leter at pnce lolol. Or the wrong one. Whst can you do lolol. So. It will be good. As likly as i can say. I lnow hope bropk veru well. And msny conversations eith bill pearson. Etc. helped Also i know it will be a low cost mine build Npt the usual amounts. About a third. If you properly do your dd on it its glaringly simple to see its a low cost thing in the best mining jurasdiction in the eorld. Its no longer quebec. Nfl govermrnt has gived a quarter mil so far and will bed over backwards to help as there oil is going knowshere for the forseable future. You will seegov beco
ong veryo ong friendly to places lole hope brook. And like i say no natives to blockad us etc we
are in the only place or one of very few that will not tolerat disruption of mining we just ha e to do yhe normal acepted axpected permiting etc. them start eith no reason to eorry about any thing cropping up to stop production