RE:RE:RE:Evaluating the company's performance in the US-1tem 1Palinc, Luc is a bean counter and always has been. If he doesn't see the bean, they do not exist. Look at his history in Thera, hes been consistent and as not changed. Any dynamic CEO would set tangible, measurable and timely goals for the company and work towards meeting them. This is how you show growth potential and show value to investors. With that type of an approach during the Q2 presentation this would probably have yielded a very strong share price increase. Instead we get the view that things will happen when they happen, that we will try to achieve in an unknown time frame the same sales that we had before, that we will not invest in other areas until we get a nice little cushion of money and that things seem to be going along fine. The net result of that type of an approach is that you get valued as if you were a company that has matured and shows a normal growth pattern, hence a basic and low P/R. Now the money cushion has been bought at a very high price to give the comfort level that Luc likes as a bean counter. I hope he uses some of the money to develop is talent as a CEO instead of a CFO.