I do not see HBK aggs being used for the LNG structures or for storage/transport.
Rather, for the pipelines. Coming down the canal underwater, laying on the bottome these pipelines
require a bed of aggs under and on top.
The Nisga'a lava beds where the pipeline also passes causes a pipeline to vibrate which causes it to slowly sink. the solution is a bed of aggs. We are talking a lot of km's here.
The LNG facilities will probably come on a barge, prefab.
I am more excited about the container terminal and the pipelines. The container terminal is going to be trippled in size and this will involve aggs.
With the pipelines and the container terminal alone there are not enough aggs locally to deal with this. And there is so much more that requires aggs.
Even if HBK does not get some of these contracts, the demand for aggs will increase greatly over supply. As they have to come from farther away the price per tron goes up and up.