FREDY RAMSOONDAR JUDGEMENT FINALIZED IN NEW YORKOn August 7, 2015 a Notice of Filing of Official Transcript was made by the Courts in the matter against Fredy Ramsoondar. The transcript would be the final item (include dollar amount of award for FGI), in this matter. *This document is available to the public via a number of online publications.
The publicly accessible online filing indicates that either side can make motions for redactions on the document, but that the only items that can be requested for redaction without motion are items like - Social Security Numbers; dates of birth; names of minors and financial account numbers.
The filing states that the document can be purchased ahead of the online release which would be 90 days from August 7, 2015. Media will be contacted with documents to see if they wish to purchase the final judgement document ahead of the 90 day public online waiting period for release so they may publish information when allowed so that Canadian Shareholders of UZZ can be made aware of the Judge's final ruling in a more broad manner.