Another Weak Market Investors need to evaluate their holdings in a company that offers minimal liquidity.
Simple math, this company is trading at $2.80 x 60 million shares = $168,000,000, Now we need to add the debt to the market cap, The street is saying $55,000,000 in debt ( not sure how the street knows this vs being stated by the company in their corporate presentation) I do not have the exact number for the debt but have assumed the approximate amount.
This company is valuedd at approximately $223,000,000
Almost a quarter of a billion. Do you think this company is worth this valuation. Look how the stock trades and the market support. Companies of similar market caps trade substantially more liquidity and have a great deal market depth. Why is this company's market look so poorly bid.
If you wanted to sell, would you actually get out at this valuation? 4,500 shares bid at $2,80. If you are selling a small position maybe you can get out.
Market is open and not a single share has traded. Interesting???
Presently the company