OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
Comment by
halcroon Aug 12, 2015 10:17am
Post# 24010416
RE:Morning News Release
RE:Morning News Release"...Discussion of Results
Drillholes BGM-15-005 through BGM-15-007 tested the BLHorizon ~300 metres northwest of the BL open pit. Although no significant mineralization was intersected in this select area of the horizon, a near surface, previously undrilled hangingwall vein (HWV) set was encountered at the top of these holes and represents a new exploration target....
"The TC Area was targeted by BGM-15-008 through BGM-15-013 and is located ~100 metres north of the BL open pit. The TC mineralization had very limited drilling performed in 2011 by previous operators, and is now defined by 2015 Phase I drilling as a series of sulphide bearing quartz veins striking at an oblique angle to the BCV. Further drilling for both of these areas is being planned to determine the extents of the mineralization...
",,,Two additional drill rigs have been ordered from Geotech Drilling Services Limited and are expected to arrive on the project site by the end of August 2015. These drill rigs will be employed on Barkerville Mountain with the ultimate goal of drill defining the BCV to a vertical depth of -400 metres as well as testing previously undrilled targets.
New Drilling Practices and Core Recovery
During the preliminary stages of the 2015 Phase I drilling campaign, it was observed that portions of the mineralized zones were not recovered by the drilling process. These intervals of lost core have been assigned zero gold grade. It has been ascertained that the high sulphide intervals were essentially washed away by the drilling process and hence not recovered in their entirety. In consultation with Geotech Drilling Services Limited, an industry standard, environmentally safe drilling additive is now being utilized in all holes and core recoveries have increased to greater than 95% through the mineralized sulphide zones...