You're Not a Lawyer CasusFortuitous, You're a LIARYou keep OBFUSCATING your opinion or spin like it were the truth or fact, but it's just a spin.
Maybe you are a lawyer, and a good one at that. Who knows, maybe you can eventually defend yourself, I don't know.
What I do know, is that I believe in the written word, not hearsay or green metal boxes.
I also know that charts have a say in how things trade, and I am quite convinced that Antibe will be doing another cheap 10 cent financing, but that's not the bad part.
The bad part is having to see you obfuscate how they failed in proving the safe dosage of a drug that is much safer than other NSAIDs that are on the market. Just how much safer and effective is still to be decided, yet you've already called ATB-346 a poison.
You are definitely a LIAR, and a good one at that in my opinion.
I'm not posting here to push anyone into buying ATE stock. I don't pump or bash in order to fulfill my sell or buy orders. I find this not only childish, but a manipulative plouy played by posters like yourself and others who feel the need to OBFUSCATE and manipulate what should be seen as the truth.
The truth does not LIE, unlike yourself. The truth is that ATB-346, unless proven otherwise, has a dosage that seems effective at doses of 250 mg or less and is safe, whereas doses over 750 mg albeit effective are not safe.
ATB-346 is not a poison. If it is, just tell us how many of the human patients other than the ones who were given over 750 mg doses fell ill, or suffered from lilver damage?
How many patients who were given doses of 250 mg or less suffered poisoning as you call it?
NONE......unless you wish to lie some more. Good luck with your agenda. It's not necessary, as you have the opportunity to buy quite a bit of shares at the going rate, but I'm not sure it will last as long as you think.