RE:Under-utilized mill So, I got to wondering how much more ore the mill at Cosmo could handle and how much gold could be produced if the mill was running at capacity...
A little research shows the mill is (was) rated at 2.5 mT or 2.5 million tons a year.
Now to figure out the current utilization of the mill... We know it is producing approximately 70,000 oz of gold a year at about 3 grams per ton... It is more than 3,, but I am trying to be conservative.
OK... 70k oz x ~ 30 grams/oz = 2,100,000 grams produced
2,100,000 grams / 3 grams per ton = 700,000 tons per year going thru the mill.
Capacity is 2,500,000 tons and 700,000 tons is used.. Mill can handle 3.5 times it current productivity..
This mill could produce 3.5 x 70k oz/year = ~240 -250k oz/year if they could get similar ore to the mill year round.
This is an additional 170 - 180k oz/year, add this to current NMI production of 220k oz/year and you are at or near 400k oz/year... DAMN