TST bagholders in a crazy tizzz... ROTFLMAO...
.."odd" in a predictable way that when TST gets a significant capital influx at a very good price for pre-rev CDN biotech (ie no scumbag warrants as CDN cheesball firms demand to screw retail holders) and after i appropriately congrated TST execs as i expect this to help TST and as i am making good money (own at a lower price that PP) the TST bagholders go tizzy...
...rather than congrat TST the TST bagholders piggsb and bionut choose to praise me on this MB...how so TST bagholderish is that....ROTFLMAO..
..piggsb and bionut remember as just proven your egos exceed your intelligence and place in life...but keep entertaining me i deserve..
and again congrats to TST execs