RE:RE:botbutgotlets continue down the road we chose to travel. personalities aside there is much more to the accomplishments achieved by sunridge than most have imagined.hopley davis ansell angus daoud are the businessmen from a western country that usually believes deep down inside that what is good for their company is very likely to be good for the country in which they invest. they see employment new products markets for suppliers and other benefits being generated by their investment. as a result they argue that the government officials in the developing country are wasting their time and all others with fancy economic calculations ans social concerns.
if the host country were close to that world hypothesized by adam smith there is a good chance these businessman would be right. the “invisible hand” would ensure that what is good for the investor will be good for the country and that what the developing country needs will be attractive to the private investor. however government officials in ritrea a developing country believe that their economy is too far from that of the classical economic world. they cannot rely solely on prices as a means of leading businessmen to act in the host nations interest by putting resources to the proper use.on occasions sunridge management have suggested that many of the foregoing difficulties would surely disappear were the host country to lower social barriers and promote american-style competition.this contributes to long delays along with unintended misunderstandings.
we will change our walking shoes to roshe ones with the implied intent of picking up the pace closing for today the challenges sunridge has overcome will serve us all in the end.enjoy the success offered to you with a job well done.the personalities here would be better served by celebrating synergies than differences.have a great day.