Lets be honest for a momentThat is IF you are parksaam sgctruthman cashtango00 larryibrooks aka larrybrooks1804 luckyman all the same poster ahahahahaha.What is glaringly OBVIOUS is the fact these same aliases parrott what we say as there own then claim we never said it when we state it long before them .lolololololol.deny deny deny is the mantra they use. now the parksie pooh ugly moniker that abandoned sgc after bashing it for years says we have good news aroound the corner. are you kidding? eritrea wants whats good for eritrea LMAOROTF....didnt SEER20202 JUST say that but that sgc had overcome it.
Toss this id in a clown suit guys. we alll know we know. we have been right 99.99 % of the time.we are right now. everyone of these bozos have bashed sgc and management for years .now they morph positive ever so slightly while using information WE supply to them over time. a real joke.every one of them.tony is in the same clown suit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!