RE:Someone working a four-day week??Aha. Just slept in, LOL.
Anonymous sold 39,500 shares so far today. Yesterday, in two trades, Anonymous sold 39,500 shares (to TD, 5,000, and to National, 34,500).
Also, on the OTCBB yesterday, there were two sales of 21,000 and 18,500...and there's that 39,500 volume again.
Round and round the paper goes, where it stops, no one knows.
Will there be more insider selling showing up on the TSX.V insider reports today?
halcro wrote: Just one week ago, on Friday, August 14, 2015, BGM's trading volume was zip, nada and zilch.
One week before that, on Friday, August 7, 2015, BGM's volume was 11,000.
Here it is, one week later (Friday, August 21, 2015), and volume so far is zip, nada and zilch. Gonna be another no-trade Friday?