Who's Driving This Clown Car......?This company does not behave like a responsible entity.......In past earnings releases, they talk about growing EBITA and Revenues yet are silent about EPS which is usually and gain or loss of a few pennies per quarter according to the actual financial statements they post on their website........The former top brass holds an 8-minute conference call to announce major changes at the top - if all you have is an announcement to make and you are not taking questions from analysts, just put out a press release instead of wasting peoples' time.......In their latest press release dated August 5, PHM states that they 1) Have "4 outstanding LOIs with annualized revenues totaling $62 million that PHM continues to work towards closing. The PHM M&A team is actively renegotiating these acquisitions to all cash transactions" 2) PHM "may repurchase for cancellation, up to 14,511,207 shares in its own capital stock" 3) PHM's press release dated July 13, 2015 states that they have "$56M Cash on the Balance Sheet as of July 10, 2015". So, they have $56M in cash (plus say around $12M in Accounts Receivable if we use their actual Q2 2015 Balance Sheet dated March 31 2015), and with that rather small sum they say they are likely going to acquire four more companies for cash, buy back shares, cover their debt payments, and fund ongoing operational/administrative expenses - ? - sounds very suspicious to me......Topping it all off, their Q3 2015 ended back on June 30, 2015. They decided to tease investors by providing "highlights" of that quarter in their press release dated July 13, 2015, yet they still haven't released these financial statements in their entirety (I believe a recent post on this board stated they might do it August 24). Regardless, something is very fishy about a company eager to boast about selected Q3 2015 "Highlights" (which I notice conveniently excludes an EPS and adjusted EPS number which would tell you how much PHM actually made or lost per share during the quarter), then proceeds to delay the actual full earnings results and financial statements for more than two months after this "Highlights" announcement.......this is not the way to run a company or treat shareholders.....little wonder why the share price is where it is today, even if one takes into account the big losses in the Canadian stock market as a whole over the past week or so......it will be interesting to see the Q3 2015 results when they are released, as well as how many questions the new leadership takes from analysts on the conference call (hopefully it will be more than the zero questions the previous PHM management took on their last call)......