sgfl am well aware of this play and wad turned off from day one with regards to the amount fo overburden they would have to remove to make a open pit mine which is the most cost effective. As well the cost of hard rock tunnel construction mining was not there.We have seen serious money invested in KDI by reputabale houses that have not begun to cash in the positions from the private placements that became free trading. Also a serious investor is onside with this company that holds a large stake in mountain provence.So if l was that investor before placing huge bets with Kdi l would consult with the experts in the field as to all public information the photos of the diamonds can be somewhat evaluated by a experts eyes that would further encourage me to jump in with a larger position or not. Kind of like doing youre homework to try and score a straight A on a exam. That would be the lodigal thing to do lf it was me. The investor has proven his buisseness savy beyoind a doubt to all of us and at least l speak for myself that l have not even come close to those numbers he holds. So l do not believe it is the blind leading the blind in this case. THE KAKUNDA