Claim from Simon Britt ?Here is what was written at page 34 (note 23 (c) of the Annual Financial statements:
Subsquemment la fin d'exercice, une rclamation concernant le dpart d'un cadre suprieur a t dpose contre la Socit. De l’avis de la direction, cette rclamation n’est pas fonde et en consquence, aucune provision n'a t comptabilise dans les prsents tats financiers consolids (note 21).
Therefore, Simon Britt seems to claim his indemnity under his employment contract. However, no provisions for loss/future claim was taken by the directors in the F/S. In my opinion, this means that the BOD believes that the termination of Simon Britt's contract was made WITH cause, as G1 believed.
Does anyone have another view of what this note is about. It seems clear to me that this refer to Simon Britt termination, but Simon's name is not mentionned. Are there any other interpretation possible?