RE:How much cash do they have?Cubeme: They spent 32M for 6.1M EBITDA, 17M in revenue run rate. With the recent acquisition they'll have, 116.5M + 17M = 133.5M. The short answer for cash:
Accessible Capital: 77M Total amount of money needed to close all LOIs: 87M
What I figured....
Tennesse: $14,348,000 to close
Colorado : $11,000,000 + about 5M for the shares promised
Midwest: $24,000,000 to close
Oklamhoma &Texas: $1,450,000
Resent Midwest: $32,000,000
Total LOIs: 87.7M
PHM cash: 56M
PHM has executed an additional $15,750,000 loan facility at 6% annual interest rate. This will bring PHM's debt total to just under $21,000,000
Accessible Capital: 56M + 21M = 77M Total LOIs: 87M
Plus they're making money. Shouldn't be hard to pay for the outstanding LOIs.