RE:Merger a low ball bid in disguise For sure. And there are No voters of different stripes; don't let some posters try to lump all of us together as Dev-hating irrationals. I'm a No voter who wants fair value for my share of this world-class find. End of story.
So again I say to the Yes side: a Yes vote marries us to the terms of the merger agreement; they were marginal in July and grossly asymmetric now. (No rational FCU shareholder should support it as written, unless they own a greater dollar value of DML.)
I think this has been quakes99's line all along, but it gets skewed and warped by personal attacks that are unnecessary and frankly, embarassing to read sometimes.
So sharpen a new pencil and after a successful No vote, come up with a realistic offer BOTH sides can live with. A lot better than 1.26! A No result isn't the end of the game, but a Yes vote is a significant devaluation of RRR and chains us at a lowball valuation. Fail!. Ross, are you listening?
I don't have any problem with Dev staying on, assuming that he'll learn from a No vote. Ross, for his part, is integral to RRR. They were made for each other and only he can/should see the exploration to its conclusion. He deserves to.
As for suggestions that all No voters are paid bashers with no skin in FCU: Balderdash! Hogwash!