Ezemoney liesThis is the 2nd time eze has reported insider sales without confirming a source for such info, even when it was requested. I also see he is ignored by 228 people who must respect quality and honesty of posts. I contacted management yesterday, and they confirmed no insider sales. They also confirmed Mexico was much slower than expected, but that there were no negative issues there.
The $10 mil. tender for patch panel cabinets, not even fibre products, just the cabinet to house connections, should be decided within the month. Each of the 4 companies have been asked to submit their product for final approval. Valdor's was being shipped ttoday. Word is, it is a beautiful design, state of the art, and extremely durable with ease of use.
No other telcos have put out tenders, so not much chance of getting contracts through our new Canadian distributor/salesman until that happens.
Have a great day, Sparky