Volumn picking up..................BUT.................I think there is likely 5 million ish to come out between here and 10 cents. 8 million ish from 10 - 15 cents. Then 7 ish million from 15 - 20 cents. That will clear up all the people that have felt stuck for the last few years. Depending on the new buyers agenda I see 10 million coming out between 20 - 25. Then it will get interesting. The fly in the ointment will be a financing. Hopefully no less than 15 cents. There is great potential IF things start to come together. It would not be difficult to generate a couple of million dollars of buying to take this into the 30 - 40 cent range and create a new entity worthy of attention. Nothing is for sure, I think it is a pretty good bet. That is why this is called speculating / gambling and not investing.