RE:what happenedGiveMeSomeRoom wrote: To all the talked about interested acquirers ? Any off them could walk in with a bid better than dmls and get this deposit for almost free! Where is cameco, Rio, the Chinese ? You could have this for a dollar a pound ! Just goes to show that the distance from a mill and lake location must be scaring them off IMO. Why else ? Money talks be walks. Is this deposit worth half of hathors ?
I agree the absence of a 3rd party bid is very telling, and I don't expect any bid for the very reasons you state: uncertainties that remain with the lake issue, insufficient pounds to justify a stand alone mill and too far from existing mills. Dev has spent a lot of time and money traveling around the world trying to find a buyer. Obviously the answers from Cameco, Rio Tinto, Areva and others have been "no" or perhaps a more polite "not at this time", as according to the information circular, discussions with DML have gone on for quite some time now.
I see no reason for any 3rd party to make a bid any time soon. Considering that managment has tried to sell and tout to shareholders and the market, the deal with DML as protection against a predatory offer, many shareholders interpreted that as indicating that a hostile offer was likely. Will the lack of a 3rd party offer before the vote result in a further decline in FCU share price after the voting "hang over"? I think so, especially when you consider this is all happening in tax loss selling season......whether on a stand alone basis (no vote prevails), or as part of Denison Energy, more work, as recommended in the PEA ($20 million budget), must be done at PLS to better determine the economics, obtain detailed geotechnical data to better understand the "lake issues", and also to continue drilling to identify more pounds to justify a stand alone mill.