Answer from Bomber's IR - Translated FR to ENHi, so with today's drop I wrote to the IR and just got an answer. I thought I'd share with this board.
Basically I asked them if they were still in discussion with the customers that Miss Shenier was talking about on the last interview on the webcast hosted by CIBC, or if they had lost the customers (like .... did they go order from Boeing instead)
So here's the reply in french I received:
Merci pour votre courriel. Nos discussions avec des entreprises chinoises se poursuivent. Il faut noter que l'annonce de notre comptiteur ne spcifie pas le type d'avions vendu. titre de rfrence, seulement 2,4 % du carnet de commandes de Boeing pour leurs avions 737 est pour des avions de 150 siges et moins. En appliquant la mme logique la commande des 250 monocouloirs par des entreprises chinoises annonce aujourd'hui (50 des commandes tant pour des gros-porteurs), nous arrivons 6 avions dans la catgorie des monocouloirs de 100 150 siges. Selon nos Prvisions de march Bombardier Avions commerciaux 2015 - 2034, nous estimons 1 440 avions la taille du march Chinois au cours des 20 prochaines annes pour les avions de 100 150 siges. Nous croyons donc que le march chinois est et demeurera un march prometteur court, moyen et long-terme.
Bombardier Relations avec les investisseurs
So if I translate that to you:
1) He's saying that they are still in discussion with those customers.
2) Also he highlights the fact that Boeing's orders book on planes of 150 seats or less, is just 2.4%.
3) He mentions that on the order of 300 planes of Boeing just announced today, 50 of the orders were on big size (which Bombardier is not competing with), and as for the remaining 250 monocouloir, he says that if you put the same mathematic logic (based of the 2.4% is 150 seats or less), he says that it would be like 6 planes.
4) He talks about their analysis on the chinese demand for commercial plane from 2015-2034, that the chinese market will need about 1440 planes of 100 to 150 seats.
I hope this calms some people