Are you suggesting the TV interview & contract announcement were lies? They need to produce the product first. The full financing to take them to production is key. Management has stated that they have began working to complete the road (using the short term loan). Then completed equity financing. They can be choosy now on the rest of the funding. The product is exceptional. I am a little concerned that they would consider using it in fillers (lower price), but they want to get cash positive asap. No confirmed price!!! No Kidding!! As good as this product is, it is still a commodity. Prices are always pegged to the going rate plus or minus adjustments. We will know when the first production has been completed what the price is. That is why I used $100/tn as a sale price in my model not the $200 price, landed in China indicated in the interview. Cat may have a deal on equipment available given the morning news. "Red" read just the website presentations. You will feel better. Good Luck