ILL ADVISED/FAILED PRICE DEFENSE - LIQUIDITY???As respects to my prior posts, there appears to be a group of shre holders, perhaps strongly suspect some are board members and MGMT and Large share holders, decided sometime ago to place a PRICE DEFENSE - At that time I think I called it the 6 cent PLUS Defense.
I projected they would see this price to continue to drop and eventually EPL, along with many other juniors and mid size see their price fall and evetually go no bid, due to MKTS and Commodity MKTS.
We now have seen the defense price drop from 6 cent Plus to now 4.5 cents, they seem to drop it every half cent. Waste of $$$$ and etc. What you should do allow for free selling, let the stock find its on level then come in, perhaps at 2.5 to 3. 5 cents?? rather to continue placing or trying to place a floor.
EPL LIQUIDITY - ???? - just look at the trading. But, not just EPL many other companies are in the same boat.
Also, take a look at EPL major Share Holder?? FNR - Price dropping, to new lows, questions on their finnancials, refer to Sedar for financials and Auditor's comments on continued need to raise $$$ and comments about going concern in Auditors 2014 report - Emphasis of Matter in Auditors letter and FNR's own comments on required cash, in their unaudited quarterly statements.
In my humble opinion, EPL is going lower under 3.5 cents and questions on Liquidity? based on public Financial MKTS and current trading?? the State of the sinking commodity mkt? Sedar reports and etc.