Good news?I do not know how anyone with a modicum of business sense sees the latest announcement as a good news.
In the business world, you expand when you have proven that your product is making money, or gaining significant market traction (ideally both). Sensio has done neither with 3DGo. It is hemorraging money like crazy and makes less business than the Starbucks around my street corner.
Putting the ridiculously low resources available to SIO in an international expansion of what has been so far a failed product means that they will give even less care - marketing, support, etc... to the NA market product. So basically, the royalty money already paid for NA is going down the drain.
They have proven that they are unqualified to make the current 3DGO service work. So the logical conclusion is... to put even more on their plate by managing a costly and complicated international expansion???
Put the house in order! Clean up your mess, SIO. Prove you can turn shareholder's money into profit, or at least not recklessly flush it down the toilet, BEFORE you try to expand your disastrous experience with 3D Go. You may learn a thing or two about how to run a retail business while doing it, and you may even realize that you are already in way over your head.
That NA royalty money is money you took from the investors' pockets and handed over directly to the studios. If we wanted to do that, we would have bought movie tickets and Blu-Ray discs, not SIO shares.
Every time SIO fails, they double down. This is looking more and more like a gambling addiction.