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Altamira Gold Corp V.ALTA

Alternate Symbol(s):  EQTRF

Altamira Gold Corp. is focused on the exploration and development of gold and copper projects within western central Brazil. It holds six projects comprising approximately 190,000 hectares, within the prolific Juruena gold belt. Its Cajueiro Project comprises a large land package (28,557 ha) and is located in the Alta Floresta Gold Belt, a Proterozoic calc-alkaline volcanic arc, which includes medium to high-grade metamorphic crustal segments. Its Santa Helena project is located approximately 60 kilometers (km) southwest of Anglo American’s porphyry copper discovery at Jaca. Its Apiacas project comprises a package of properties covering seven main target areas which constitute the Apiacas district. The Apiacas project is located about 50 km west of Cajueiro project within the Alta Floresta Belt, an 82,000 ha land package. Its other projects include Colider, Nova Canaa and Porta Aberta. The Porta Aberta project is located approximately 13 km south-southwest of the Cajueiro project.

TSXV:ALTA - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by achtunginvestoron Oct 01, 2015 11:57am
Post# 24153539

After initial voiseys bay discovery

After initial voiseys bay discoverytwo hidden deposits at 800 metres and 1500 metres were drilled to the east and west of initial deposit, bre-x scandal prematurely ended the exploration play in 1990's
Bullboard Posts