RE:Weak ASIS 2015 Show Upsets Manufacturers Author To anyone truly interested here!; ASIS does many things. good organisation. trades wouldn't attend if not worth it. Many of my clients attend and buy tens of millions in card access, intercom, intrusion, X-ray, turnstile, biometrics, analytics and our flavour of this board video! buyers from around the world attend and make key decisions on what they will install in coming year/s. from keys to 50 cal's mounted on towers controlled by cameras and analytics. Want an armoured car with full thermal and jump seats for your body guards, maybe some advanced radar to secure military airfield, this is a good place to see what is out there. Once AVO breaks into large gov purchases, they will hit pay dirt. orders for 20 thousand cameras is not uncommon anyone who is anyone, is present or represented by those present. Hope AVo stresses the "five eyes" advantage. be good if they did.