RE:Et if sensio will sell some part?? Selling patents might be a shortsighted and/or desperate move, seeing as it's their biggest current source of income. The initial proceeds might bring a hefty sum in the coffers, but if 3DGO fails to take off fast enough, it won't be long before they're back to square one, and without a life buoy this time. If they ever considered doing that, they might as well consider doing the opposite - selling or killing off 3DGO, letting go most of the remaining employees, getting rid of their lease and equipment, and comfortably generating a yearly profit with patent revenue until said patents expire and/or manufacturers shift away from the technologies they cover.
Outside of patents, I doubt SIO has anything of considerable value to sell. Equipment? Furniture? That would hardly make a one-time dent in the quarterly loss. Maybe they could consider selling ad space in the app UI and before each rental? Then again, I'm not sure how much revenue that could generate, but I'm sure paying users wouldn't appreciate that, and the last thing 3DGO needs is negative word of mouth.
I can think of a certain $530k expense that SIO management could decide to turn into $3 until this whole 3DGO business becomes profitable - that would be an awesome display of commitment and confidence coming from them. But then that poses a risk of hell freezing over and pigs flying on the same day.