RE:agree with 88guy88.. he is probably as irrelevant as Alfred Maydorn in Germany ...
The problem of all these so call Guru's in the media is, that they always only pick one aspect that influences the share price. Some reflect on a vision related to a compyny's products, some on their balance sheet, some on chart (statistic) rules, some on political or economical or social developements, some on rumors, and so forth. In fact, all of these aspects and more influence people to buy or sell and often they simply follow the herd.
And not to forget: 80% of all stock transactions are initiated by software algorithms and not by individual investors.
In many aspects Slyce is a startup company and the main driver for a startup is VISION. They collect money and they put all their effort in making that VISION come true.
And actually they are investing (some call it burning money, I call it "transforming
technological innovations into economic
assets") and I really think they are investing the money in a clever way.
It is not certain, that they will have the great success they are aiming for but I think they will not run out off money because (big) Investors realise already, that their business model will probably very successfull if they can finance their growth.