RE:How to sell off shareholders equity.You are right on DryBones.
The shareholder is the one that is going to get screwed. Just watch, we are the fly under the radar company.
A lot of people want a reverse split, they seem to think its the best thing, higher exposure on Nasdaq will mean bigger gains. I do not share that philosophy, but we will be powerless to stop the company from doing a reverse spilt. I see no advantage to a reverse split, other than we will lose out on potential big gains if approved by FDA.
As mentioned 100,000 shares become 6666 with a 15 to 1 split. A $2 pre consolidation price has to hit $30 to realize the same gains. Do you think that is ever going to happen, doubt it. I would rather take my chances without consolidation, I feel we have a better opportunity for gains especially if approved.
Sujan Lahiri recent comments from Seeking Alpha article said, I think we are still looking at a 10 bagger here. Whether that ever happens we can only hope. Those comments are based on pre consolidation. Once a reverse split happens we will never realize any big gains as we all hope for.
Watch what you wish for, it just might happen and you will soon regret it.