GREY:PGDIF - Post by User
Post by
WACLAW1on Oct 06, 2015 9:08am
Post# 24166613
RE idiot.....
RE idiot.....Comparing apples to oranges.......... Diamonds are a luxuary......... Reguarding DEbeers they bin at this game a long time they can wait and most likely will ........... 4. Detailed Description of Undertaking De Beers Canada Exploration Inc. (DBCEI) is a Canadian diamond exploration company which has prospected and explored for diamonds in the NWT and Nunavut since the early 1990's. In 2002. DBCEI (formerly known as Monopros) was awarded 131 prospecting permits across a 32 552 km2 area on north-central Baffin Island, centred approximately halfway between the communities of Igloolik and Pond Inlet. The vast majority of the prospecting permits are on Crown land, with up to eleven Inuit owned lands (IOL's) overlapped by the permits: IG-10, IG-25, IG-26. AB-01, AB-02. PI-0 Lots of sq. km. Very long PGD..........