Sure glad I've been sellingI was lucky enough to but in at $1.20 about 18 months ago and didn't waste much time exercising my $1.80 warrants and have obviously been laughing and giggling all the way to the bank ever since. Completely missed the $11 peak but have been selling off portions starting at about 8.60 , 7.40 , 6.90 and a few other points. Not that I didn't think this might be a $15 stock eventually but thru bitter experience I've learned not to trust in all the hype from either management or bulletin boards. Right now I'm still sitting on perhaps 30% of my initial position and todays action obviously doesn't impress me, and I want to think these scumbag lawyers have got it all wrong. But the damage has been inflicted , it will take years to recover whatever management does in the short to medium term. But I guess we all need to learn that what goes up must come down and the risks in falling in love with any stock can be very detrimental to your financial health.