RE:Time to dream...picaxe wrote: With NR around the corner... Guesses on where SP goes... I am looking for the $1... In time much more...
Hard to say which way the share price goes in the short term to year end. With the next news release on assays, in addition to some spectacular results, I also expect a comment that the summer drilling program has come to an end with final assays pending. In spite of the fact that NXE's share price has recently started to climb in the absence of news, it could be that we see the share price sell off on news regardless of how good the news is. If it does, I will add as I can to my position (allready have "backed up the truck"), however, I agree with BDMinefinder666 that an offer could come before a 43-101 maiden resource statement, so I won't trade the stock if the share price goes up, as one never knows when a surprise offer comes......Worst case, we all have to wait for a 43-101 maiden resource statement before the market recognizes NXE's Arrow for what it is, and I am prepared to wait.