Big Leverage on GoldTCM gets 48% of all the gold production from Mt. Milligan. Royal Gold gets the rest at $450 per ounce. TCM projects 210,000 ounces of production this year. Their 48% is therefore 100,800 ounces at market prices. Some analysts predict gold is making a major break out with a next stop of $1950 U.S. per ounce. That extra $800 U.S. per ounce goes directly to the bottom line for TCM, that is an additional $80 million U.S. Since this high grade gold at Mt. Milligan is supposed to last for at least 3 more years.........this extra cash should take care of the Dec 2017 cash call. As I have said, BUY this stock now. It is TOTALLY UNDERVALUED. IMHO