is this a black eye for red eye? News Please!A series of environmental tests was spawned in the District of Stewart by a revelation that mine tailings were given to the city for municipal road work, and were contaminated with higher than average levels of arsenic and other materials.- Terrace Standard. Red Eye had to transport all the crushed rock back to the mine site, and says it has had to bear the cost of that as well as the possible cost for doing tests at its worksite.
“It’s costly to have to reload it all and transport it back to their mine site,” said Kasum. “We had to haul it over there and we had to haul it back. We many have to pay for a few assays too.”- Terrace Standard.
So the waste rock was free of charge? If the District of Stewart was not charged for the waste rock were they charged for transport?
Decade needs to do a news release to let its shareholders know what if any involement Decade had in this matter. How does this impact Decade's situation at Bow?