NXE market action.....There can be no doubt that Arrow is world class and one of the best uranium deposits ever, however, I don't believe NXE's share price will go anywhere until over 40 million low cost shares and warrants are sold and exercised.......given the results to date, this allows hedge funds and other large market paticipants to cheaply establish positions close to 10% of the share capitalization, and make life very very difficult for the NXE board and management in the future......the only way retail shareholders can hope to win here now is to "put their positions away in the drawer" and wait for the outcome while the share price gets yanked around. Perhaps the big risk now is for financial engineering 'ho's from Howe Street and/or Bay Street to attempt to take control of the board and therefore the company by a proxy battle which is a very low cost way to steal a high value asset?