They still are drilling, Front page photoAs someone here pointed out shows a drill rig going yesterday and @11AM
This is interesting. They realize investors are wondering why in 31 days there has been no report or followup. No one has any idea how deep they are going. I do have inquiry in on that regard.
The picture is quite revealing. Ron told me the vein appears to run under tailings pond, sure enough, see it? And it drives home how the "Surprise Vein" is so darn close to the mill, pure luck.
If the rig shows the drill path which I think it might, its about 40-45 degrees.
Can deduct one good thing out of all this. Its been 31 days, they know people are scratching heads over lack of drill results, so on front page they show the drilling in progress 30 days later. Why would the do that if the news will be bad? That would be really stupid, they would try and downplay the discovery, instead of headline it.
If the misguessed the strike, it is possible they missed it, hence Why I would have gone shallow first, as in 50 meters offset on strike and 50 meters deep. It would take a couple of days to miss not a month.
The results of the drilling can make MEAOF worth 3X?, 5X? more. Outside of a drug trail for a one drug company, this is as important news as it gets. It will be what it is.