Updated Arrow resource calculationFrom NXE Oct 22nd presentation:
A2: 300 m x 340 m, width 11-48.3 m (average width 29.65 m)
A3: 295 m x 420 m, width 30-78m (average 54 m)
To account for shape of zones, divide by 2
To be conservative, use a density of 2.6
2204 pounds/tonne
My weighted average grade calculations are:
A2: 2.9%
A3: 1.0%
A2: (300 x 340 x 29.65)/2 x 2.6 x .029 x 2204= 251 million pounds
A3: (295 x 420 x 54)/2 x 2.6 x. 0.01 x 2204= 191 million pounds
Total for Arrow zones A2 & A3 = 442 million pounds U3O8....