to the Hodges parasite buddy....battleready:
there is something almost fascinating about this blogging persona.
How come you dont feel embarrassed by what your are spillng
out there on these pages. The discussion is being diverted
to Benavides when the Hodges parasite and his cronies are the real issue.
It is well known that Benavides did not really want to join the Board
where, typically, people like the Co-Pilot supported by the
Fasken Ethic-porium are trying to strip the company the moment
they surfaced from their bar stools in mid-town Toronto. Cheers!
Battleready, with your apparent easy acces to pay information of IRL, you
must be close to the snakepit.- Inredible this Hogson character
got turfed at the AGM to the tune of 90% and yet you are trying
to defend this rip-0ff. - Blantly, battleready, your performance here
perfectly qualifies you to be ignored. - And that's the end of my
contribution here whilst I await the EGM