RE:They don't know why we aren't growing any more....Number 1 - LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS & PROSTITUTION
What kind of crazy bookworm decided to start a war on DRUGS?? The drugs aren't the problem. Drugs and whores are awesome. It's people with chitty discipline, and the ones who are susceptible to addiction that are the problem. Like Denis Leary said, not LESS drugs, MORE drugs. More drugs, and give them to the right people. I can't believe educated (albeit, bookwormy) people think that the actual substance is the problem. Ha. So you think by legalizing drugs and prostitution, people everywhere are going to start hanging out at whoor houses and hitting the crack pipe? THE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO DO THIS ALREADY ARE, AND YOU ARENT EVEN CAPITALIZING ON IT. So who is the loser here? Might better continue to "blow" resources with "Operation Futility" I'd erase organized crime in less than a minute and there's nothing anyone could do to stop it, because every corrupt thing that they are in business for, I'd legalize completely and tax more than cigarettes and Monster Energy drinks.... :) you're welcome!
But there's one major issue with this plan......and its the EDUCATED PEOPLE....AGAIN!!
Educated people are afraid that everyone will become a whoor-banging, drug user.
This kind of mentality is exactly why we continue to fail. A nation so paranoid by misinformation that it's become the misinformation. Reefer Madness? Ha. "Marijuana is a gateway drug." Spoken like a true fool. You dummies made it that way when you banned a plant to begin with, yet I can still buy Morning Glory seeds and get high from LSA? Sounds like hypocrisy to me. Marijuana is only a gateway drug because it's the same gate get you open to go and get the "harder" drugs from because these dummies made it illegal. "Oh you don't have any weed today? I guess I'll try the coke then." Does that mean the grocery store is a gateway to getting fat??? Use your effin head for once to make decent policies. If I had a dime for every time someone who people thought were smart did something stupid, I'd be at Donald Trump's net worth by now.....
Stay tuned for 2 and 3