Unethical attack by SuncorSince Suncor acquired Petor Canada their quarterly release never mentioned anything about the performance of Syncrude operation, not anymore. In Q3 results published tonight they just attack Syncrude performance. Suncor failed to acquire COS.
Suncor's share of Syncrude production was 28,100 bbls/d in the third quarter of 2015, compared to 29,400 bbls/d in the prior year quarter. The decrease was primarily due to a fire that occurred at Syncrude's Mildred Lake upgrader during the third quarter of 2015. Subsequent to the quarter end, production was impacted by further operational issues that delayed a return to normal production.
"We believe that we can drive real improvements in Syncrude's performance with a larger ownership interest," said Williams. "We have been disappointed with Syncrude's performance for some time now. The asset ran at only 67% of capacity during the third quarter, and about 70% so far this year, in stark contrast to Suncor's upgrading operations that have been consistently achieving above 90% reliability this year."