RE:Just listened to the CCDoubling users with Samsung? Sounds about right. Maybe a bit ambitious...
Let's see... As of end of May 2014, 3DGO was at 18k users - Vizio only. End of November 2014, they were at 21,5k users, Vizio + Panasonic. That means that if we're at 31k users in August 2015 with LG on board, LG has potentially brought in about 10k users since its December launch (or 8k if you start counting from March, considering that deployment was supposedly only completed then). That means Samsung really has to outperform all past deployments.
By the way, did someone ever wonder how Vizio gathered 18k users in 9 to 11 months (June-August to May), whereas Panasonic (which holds a slightly higher market share) can't have generated more than 5k users over 10 months (May to February), and LG can't have generated more than 10k over 5 to 8 months (January-March to August) despite having twice the Vizio market share?
If Vizio was able to get up to 18k users in under a year, shouldn't we have at least 18-19k Panasonic users, and roughly 20k LG users by now, for a total of 75k users? Where is everyone?