Any marketing geniuses out there?Must be a shareholder willing to give Nik a hand to make this thing fly . Any ideas out there? I loved the idea of educating sales people of smart tv's at Best Buy and places like that, but what about educating the people who already have a smart tv? The success of this whole thing is to let people know they can watch 3D at home by simply downloading an app. We just need the word to get out. Having a 3D ready tv is pointless unless you have access to movies.there are tens of millions of tv owners that should want to use the feature, or did they not care when they bought the tv? We need the word to get out in spite of Nik . It should be a no brainer for this to take off. Nik is counting on word of mouth, but we need more. We need to help this along in spite of him. How can that be done because if we have nothing to contribute, then we might as well just watch this thing die. This needs a good shot of something to make it work. What is that something ? How does Nik get the word out to those millions of tv owners? Anyone got an idea?